From seeds to flowers.

Many weeks ago, Learners planted seed in the forest. Since then we have been watering and nurturing these seeds in our classroom. This week we were delighted to be able to transfer and these plants into the planters outside our classroom. We will be watering these daily and cannot wait to see the flowers bloom. This is science learning at its best.

With Mental Health awareness week approaching, we were lucky to be able to hold a family session with Mel our Play Therapy Nurse. Lots of families joined us in creating our own toolkit of strategies to help us when our emotions are running high. This was a very purposeful session and it was lovely to see children and families working collaboratively.

In art, we have been finding out about our focus artists Andy Goldsworthy and Fernand Leger the sculptors.  In the coming weeks we will be looking forward to identifying their individual skills.  We have a planned forest day next week to enable us to explore Andy Goldsworthy’s style of using natural materials to create art and in the meantime we will continue to explore his creations and are excited at the prospect of making our own.