Friday 13th December 2019 – The Mischievous Elves and Excitable Edgar

This week has been a wonderful one. We are nearing Christmas and with our holidays fast approaching, we have been preparing for the festivities.

We have been visited by seven, rather naughty elves who continue to get up to mischief whilst we’re eating our lunch: they even wrote in Alex’s book! 

In English, we have been writing the story of Excitable Edgar – you may have seen him feature in the latest Waitrose TV advert. However, we have made some changes without our stories, and Edgar sometimes gets up to different things when he accidentally breathes fire! You can watch the advert by clicking the link below:

Join us on Tuesday 17th December from 2pm for our reading afternoon. We will be gifting a chosen book to each child and can share these with you, as well as our wonderful Edgar stories.