Food Chains

In Science this week, Learners have been finding out about food chains. We recognised that the sun gives energy to a producer, which is then eaten by one or many consumers. In the classroom, we made our own food chains, using pictures.  This then helped us to create our own food chains, using our own drawings and adding the terms herbivore, carnivore and omnivore correctly.

In History, we have been finding out ‘who is in a monarchy?’. Learners were very interested in identifying the members of our current Royal Family. We discussed the terms heir and heiress and Learners were keen to understand the rules of succession. Learners were particularly interested to find out what abdication was and they agreed this was a fair choice for a prospective King or Queen.

Learners have begun dance sessions with Hannah Verity this week and are looking forward to practising their new routine over the coming weeks.