Dance! Dance!Dance!

The Pioneers love their dance session and each week things become more complex. They begin with a warm up and then extend and develop the routine. This involves a lot of skill and focus to listen and follow multi part instructions. This week saw the addition of ribbons on sticks and leadership exercises to end the session.

The energy is palpable.

Visitors From the Past

Henry Freeman, the famous Whitby Lifeboat man made an appearance in Pioneers. This visit allowed them to consider which questions to ask to find out about the past. They quizzed him on the Great Storm of 1861 and his now famous cork lifejacket. The information they gained will add to their biography. They were a bit confused by that fact that Mr Freeman seemed to have the same necklace as Mrs Hann.

Later in the week, while exploring changes in shopping in Whitby, Mrs Elizabeth Botham dropped in! The Pioneers scrutinized old photographs of Skinner Street to see where her shop is. They were fascinated to see the location then and now. Some of the children noted the different modes of transport and street furniture, having seen the dismounting steps in town. They questioned Mrs Botham about her family and noted that she had a dog. Mrs Botham lived at the same time as Mr Henry Freeman but she could not confirm if he was a Botham’s customer or not!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Christmas is well and truly approaching. The Nativity practises are beginning to take shape and we are all busy learning our lines. Learners have had a busy week in the classroom this week. We have welcomed families in to share with our maths learning, where each activity gave an ingredient of our typical maths lessons – eg maths key skills, number sense, times tables and problem and reasoning questions. We had a huge response to this and many families were able to attend, which was wonderful.

In RE, we have been busy learning about Advent and the traditions that occur in Christian lives. We discussed the meaning of the word Advent and why it was important for Christians to celebrate.

In English, we have completed our adverts to raise awareness for the Zambezi Sunrise Trust. We are busy making preparations for our own class fundraiser Movie Night. We have set our own target of £100 and are excited to see if we achieve it. We are all looking forward to enjoying a Christmas Movie and a slice of pizza together!

After a few frosty mornings, we have been looking at how frost and ice forms in Science. We were very interested to learn the freezing temperature of a liquid to solid and drew some wintry frosty pictures during the lesson.

Keep an eye on the diary dates in the newsletter, which will give you all the Christmas information you need.

Learners are looking forward to celebrating Christmas!

Marvellous Maths

Learners Class have been working really hard on addition and subtraction in maths over the last few weeks..

This week, Learners have been using many strategies to aid their learning and are able to select the resource or manipulative that supports their learning the best. For some this is using ten frames, for others this is using a number line and for others this is using a place value chart or rekenrek.

Learners have access to all of these resources during each maths lesson. Using different practical resources is definitely deepening understanding. This week Learners have been adding and subtracting across ten.

Our history morning on Monday was a great success. We welcomed many families into Learners class to share in our history learning about Whitby now and then. Families were able to contribute and share their own knowledge with us and could reflect on the how Whitby had changed over time. Thank you to all who could join us. 

Learners have decided to hold a Christmas Movie Night, to raise money for the Zambezi Sunrise Trust. Look out for more details on this in this week’s newsletter.

Christmas is approaching and this week we have begun to practise the songs for our Christmas performance. Keep your eye on the newsletters and on Tapestry for any information around this!

The weather is starting to turn colder, so please make sure your Learner has a warm coat in school each day.

Learners are maths marvels this week. Well done Learners, you are awesome!

A Colourful Week in Learners Class

Learners have enjoyed art this week. Building on the skills we developed last half-term, Learners have been looking closely at primary and secondary colours. This week, we enjoyed mixing primary colours to match the colours of autumn leaves. We thought carefully about how to mix just the right amount and ratio of each colour. In some cases, we needed to add a little bit of white to make the shade lighter. There was a lot of concentration and Learners kept checking their c colours until they were happy with the match. Just like our focus artist Wasilly Kandinsky, we listened to some classical music as we painted.

In history this week, Learners have been comparing the changes over time of Whitby fish quay. We looked at old photographs taken by Frank Meadow Sutcliffe and recognised that there was less fishing in the town these days, but more fish and chip shops.

In maths we have been learning different strategies that will help us with addition and subtraction. We are becoming great problem solvers and are able to transfer our knowledge to answer reasoning type questions in maths lessons.

After writing letters to families in English before the half-term, we are excited to welcome our families into the classroom on Monday to share in our history learning. 


Lend Your Ears and Open Your Eyes

The Pioneers were very interested in the work of Kandinsky the abstract artist and on his approach to creating the images. We have had the most wonderful week full of energy and intense focus exploring line and colour and shape. We did this on a large scale on the playground and on a smaller scale back in the classroom, at the table and then moving onto the floor. We played Wagner on the Boom Box and experimented with painting to a variety of other pieces familiar to us – Firebird by Stravinsky and Greig’s Hall of the Mountain King.

An artist’s work is never done and the Pioneers are keen to continue their work. They are unstoppable. One Pioneer was heard to say, “Well this is actually art,” as they left the classroom with their larger pieces to take home to parents. 

The process and the art produced were inspirational.

Cricket in the Sun

We had a visit from Owen our marvelous Cricket Coach. The sun shone and everyone was very happy to throw and catch and play as a team.

After a quick and happy warm up we played a game with rules and we managed to follow the rules without the need for a video referee!

The Pioneers all got to bat, hitting the big ball from a big tee.

A thoroughly wonderful session of precision teaching and great learning.

Wonderful Whitby!

Learners have had the MOST wonderful week of history learning.

On Monday we kicked off the week with a drama session with Louise from Red House Theatre. The session supported our history topic of Whitby now and then wonderfully. We used our imagination to visit Whitby in the past. Through movement, we turned ourselves into the steam train, the Abbey and we even became sellers in the old marketplace. 

Back in the classroom, we used iPads to research how Whitby marketplace had changed overtime. We discovered that Elizabeth Botham had sold her bread from a basket in the marketplace before opening her first shop. We also found out that whale blubber had been sold to make oil. Most shockingly we learned that urine was sold at the marketplace, which was used as a cleaning and dyeing aid – we were certainly glad to live in Whitby ‘now’ rather than ‘then’.

On Wednesday we visited Whitby and were able to being all our learning to life. We visited Fortune’s Kipper shop, a shop that we had seen on Frank Meadow Sutcliffe’s photographs of old Whitby. We stopped at the marketplace and were able to use our imagination to become market traders again – this time in the actual same place. We spotted many Whitby Heritage Sculptures around the town, which gave us an insight into Whitby from the past – we particularly liked the ‘Herring Girls’ sculpture near the bandstand. We walked up to the park, where we visited Whitby Museum. The Museum was fascinating, we saw Frank Meadow Sutcliffe’s gallery of photos and delighted in seeing many local artefacts.

Learners class have had the MOST fabulous week and history this week has been awesome!

Learners love to learn 🙂

A Wonderful Day in Whitby

The Pioneers took a daytrip to Whitby. For many it was their first school trip and their first trip on a coach and what a trip it was. There is so much to learn and so much to do. The Pioneers carried their own lunches and water bottles and looked after all their own kit. This is quite an achievement considering the many locations we visited.

Walking around Whitby is fill of risks and we assessed them before, during and after our trip, The  Pioneers did a great job negotiating the narrow pavements and the pedestrians.

We talked about fishing and boat building before crossing the bridge for story and a snack in the Little Fox Bookshop which was fantastic. 

Whitby Catch answered all our questions about what was for sale on the fish counter.

We spotted the new lifeboat in the water before visiting the old lifeboat in the museum.

Lunch was eaten in the Fisherman’s Mission which added to our learning.

We walked up the hill to the wonderful Whitby Museum where the awe and wonder was palpable. There was so much to see and we were made very welcome.

This was a very wonderful day out – Eight very happy kilometres together!

Learning Outdoors

Learners spent the day in the forest this week. The sun was shining and the experience was delightful. It was a beautiful autumn day, the leaves were falling around us and we were able to spot signs of autumn and colour match the leaves we found. This consolidated our science topic around seasons wonderfully. 

Also in the forest, we were able to collect some descriptive language to inspire our poetry writing. We used our senses and recorded the things we saw, felt, heard and touched. Our poems are about our wonderful Earth, so being outside in the forest was the perfect place to gather inspiration. We are excited to write our poems and will keep you posted once they have been published.

We were delighted to attend Church on Friday to celebrate our Harvest Festival with families. Learners performed a song ‘Thank you for everything’. We sang confidently and it was clear how much we enjoyed the words in the song, it was lots of fun!

We are looking forward to our trip to Whitby next week, which will be consolide our history learning in class. We will be visiting Whitby Museum, the marketplace and spotting the sculptures around the town. The weather looks settled and we are excited to go.

We are looking forward to welcoming families into school this week for a reading workshop/event, to share the important aspects that make up reading. We will also have some resources from our Little Wandle, Catch-Up and Fluency programmes too.

Learners will also have a drama session next week, which we always really enjoy!

Learners are such enthusiastic learners!