Music in the sunshine.

Learners have explored some wonderful RE learning this week. We have been learning about the messages of the parable of the Good Samaritan and the parable of The Lost Sheep and identifying the teachings and how they can impact our own lives. We used drama to understand the parables and drew story maps to re-tell key parts and had some very meaningful class discussions.

Our music focus this half-term is musical improvisation. We have been using body percussion to create improved rhythms and instruments to create improvised melodies. We have really enjoyed the creativity and freedom that improvising have given.  This week, we decided to take the instruments outside onto the school field. We got in to teams and along with a conductor, created improvised pieces together. We then enjoyed performing some improvised music to our friends in the sunshine. What a fantastic way to learn.

On Friday, we visited the Rotunda Museum in Scarborough and also spent an hour on the beach. Check out our class page next week for photographs and details of our brilliant trip.

This Thursday will be school Sports Day. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit, wearing the colour of their team – see this week’s newsletter for more details.