Learners Class Terra Carta.

Learners Class have been buzzing with ideas for their own Terra Carta this week, inspired by the book It’s Up To Us. We have had wonderful discussions and have painted pictures to match our plans for action. The future of the planet is in safe hands with the emergence of such a caring generation. 

In maths year 1 have been busy sorting objects into groups and even thought of as many different ways as they could to sort themselves, from eye colour, to the colour of their socks and lots more besides. Year 2 have been consolidating teen numbers and perfecting the spellings of the words to match.

In RE this week we have been identifying the special things important to Christians, a lot of which we have seen during our own visits to St John’s Church.

We had lots of fun in music this week, clapping out beats and passing the pattern around the classroom to each other, and adding beats to the pattern to make the pattern harder each time, there was a lot of concentration and lots of smiles.

Learners have had a fantastic first full week. We have shared a lot of stories and enjoyed identifying the meaning of words that we hadn’t heard before.

We are excited to begin cricket sessions on Monday and ready for the week ahead.


Our First Full Week

The Pioneers have completed their first full week at school and it has been wonderful. So much has been achieved and everyone is much more independent in the classroom. They know where the resources are and where and how they need to be returned. We are beginning to find the rhythm of the day and that is reassuring. Things happen in the same order each day and within that order, exploration and experimentation,thinking talking and calculating can happen. Often this is noisy and messy and then a calm occurs when everyone is focussed and the learning happens.

We have been painting and building and sorting and arranging and comparing and sharing and laughing and learning together. It is no wonder that we are a bit tired by the end of the day.

Well done!


An Exciting First Week Back

Hello Visitors,

Thank you for checking out our page. We have been back to school for just over a week now, and have managed to learn so much! 

We have explored numbers to 1,000,000 in maths, and have done really well with reading and writing them. We have also had our first music lesson after over 6 week without any. We remembered all of our notes brilliantly!

In RE, we have started to explore the question: What would Jesus do? To learn more about the person Jesus was, we explored the parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders. We created bible stands and tested them on sand and clay, deciding which were the best foundations for our constructions. 

We talked about the importance of following our Christian Values, and how this would help us to lead a fulfilling life. 

A great start for the new Learners!

What a brilliant first week back for the Learners Class. The new year ones have settled in wonderfully, in just three days. This has been amazing to see. Both year groups have already been working collaboratively, which is a great sign of things to come.

Learners have had a busy few days visiting our school library to choose books for our classroom. Our class  now has a range books, both fiction and non-fiction for us to enjoy at our pleasure.

Our times table focus this term is the ten times table and we have spent some time this week using resources to aid our learning.

We are exploring the book ‘It’s Up To Us: A Children’s Terra Carta’ and have had some wonderful discussion and drawn pictures around nature and the planet. We were delighted to watch the King introduce the book and ask for our help. Next week we will be collecting our ideas of how we can help the planet and writing to the King. We will keep you posted!

The sun was bright on Thursday, so we opened the doors and went outside where it was cooler. We collected autumn leaves from the tree outside and with a partner created our own autumn trees.

We finished a busy week getting started on Sumdog and with some fun PE in the Hall.

What an amazing first week. I am very excited to see what Learners Class 2023-24 achieve! 

Mrs Brown


In preparation for our trip to Whitby next week, we took a look at FLOTSAM. This is a wonderful picture book full of curious items and possibilities.

The Pioneers had a great chat with Mrs Gurney about shells and cameras and things washed up on the shore. The Pioneers are very good at making predictions and giving reasons for these based on the evidence they have.

Looking at Fish

The Pioneers have been classifying living things and have been learning about fish. We got up close and looked at the fins and the scales and the teeth and the beard. The smell was not too bad as we got outside! We drew some great pictures recording features of each fish.

We also drew a Fish and Chip Shop food chain which was 

Thank you to our families for their rapid action in sourcing the fish for this fantastic learning.


Friday 7th July

It has been another wonderful week in Leaders class.

In history this week, the children considered how we know about the Mayan time period to finish off their learning in this area. They considered evidence such as buildings, writing, books and number systems. 

On Wednesday morning, Leaders enjoyed time in the forest. The children worked together to create forest faces on trees and then used their collage skills from art to create images with their forest finds. They displayed great teamwork and communication skills to complete the tasks.

On Thursday, it was a joy to gather together in church and celebrate all things music. The Leaders class band were amazing as always and it was wonderful to hear individual performances from many of the children in class. 

Well done everyone!

Friday 30th June 2023

This week, the Leaders have continued to explore the Mayan time period. Using a range of sources, they have found out about city life, with a focus on the layout of them. They found that the higher in the societal hierarchy you were, the closer to the center that you lived. The children also learned about Mayan Gods and created some brilliant pieces of writing based on what they found out.

In art, Leaders have continued to focus on collage, with a focus on the artist Hannah Hoch. The children learned that she used photomontage in her work and used her techniques to create their own collages. The work created is brilliant. 

The children have also been busy preparing for the music concert next week. We have some wonderful class band, recorder and individual performances ready to share with families next week.

On Friday, we were joined by Whitby Fire Service. The children were presented with information about camp fire safety. They learned that fires must only be started with an adult present and about where to start them and with what materials. Once the camp fire was lit, the children learned how to put it out safely.

Inspired by Nature

We  have been following the life cycle of our caterpillars and this week they turned into butterflies so we knew that the release day was drawing near. We went to the forest and found a shady spot for the release. Our butterflies were happy to hang around so we could take a close look at their mouth parts and their bodies. Eventually they flew off into the trees.

Inspired by the artwork in Eric Carle’s books we found out what it would be like to be an artist when we grew up. We found out that Eric was inspired by nature and walks in the forest with his father. The Pioneers watched a video where Eric shared his techniques and thoughts about colour.

We got brushes and sponges. Some chose other items like blocks and fingers and we added paint to wet quality tissue paper. The process was fascinating. The classroom was a quiet buzz of chat about colour and pattern. We found places for it all to dry!

The next day we set about making our own collages. The originality was fabulous. The Pioneers selected colour and pattern to fit their own ideas and made flowers and butterflies and of course the Very Hungry Caterpillar made an appearance alongside a dinosaur.

Another wonderful week of learning.