Rocks and The Bronze Age

Adventurers have started a new topic in science all about rocks! We have been learning all about the three different types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic and having a close look at different specimens and sorting them into the three groups. We plan to explore further the different properties of these rocks and look at their uses.

In history, we are learning about the Bronze Age  and how people started to make tools and weapons from metal instead of just stone. This has linked nicely to our science topic as we have discovered that people first started to separate copper (a type of metal)  from copper ore (a type of rock) which they mined by digging large pits. We have been very interested in finding out how they made swords and jewellery.

Building Stonehenge.

Adventurers have been loving their history topic on the Stone Age and we have completed lots of cross-curricular activities including: printing cave paintings in art, building houses in Forest school, advertising a Neolithic house in English and building Stonehenge from clay.

The children have really worked hard to make their models of Stonehenge look very realistic and today as we learnt more about the stone circle we have included people in our models and built rafts that they used to transport the stone. W

e have studied more about the purpose of Stonehenge and shone light through our structures to see the effect the sun had and what this might have meant 5,000 years ago when people worshipped the sun.

Overall, we have learnt lots of interesting facts from creating our own Stonehenge.

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A Sporting Week!

I have been really impressed with the progress all the children have been making in swimming. Their confidence has improved greatly and it has been lovely to see some children swim several strokes independently whilst others are swimming with their faces in the water.

The whole class is so enthusiastic for their swimming lessons, even on a cold winters day. Well done everyone!

Adventurers have also been enjoying gymnastics in P.E lessons. We have learnt how to do a pike and straddle sit last week and this week we are progressing to tucked and straight shoulder stands and performing a sequence of movements.

A Great Day in Forest School

The weather was kind to us when we spent the morning in Forest school on Wednesday. As part of our English and History topic the children worked in groups to build a Stone Age house. I was so impressed that they were all very different! Some were built from clay and stones, some from wood and grass. We had near life size houses and mini replicas with stone and clay furniture. The children had to present their houses to the rest of the class and talk about what their best features were.

In art we had a go at dying material using natural dyes such as brambles, blueberries and spinach and used elastic bands to make a tie dye effect. 


A trip to Danby Moor Centre and Diwali Celebrations!

Adventurers have been learning all about Diwali, the Hindu Festival of light. we shared the sacred story of Rama and Sita and made and decorated clay hand dishes. We also enjoyed colouring  Rangoli Patterns and then embellishing these with tissue paper.

On Tuesday, the sun shone for our trip to the Danby Moor Centre. We took part in lots of activities including: learning about different maps, how to read a key and how to find different human and physical features using 4 figure grid references. We really enjoyed doing field work and learning how to use a compass to navigate a course to help find a secret code.

We even had time to enjoy the wonderful play park and take in the beautiful surroundings!

An exciting week to end the half term!

Adventurers have been excited all week about the visit from David Atherton, British Bake Off winner 2019. We were really keen to learn more about his interesting cake recipes using vegetables and seeing his new cookery book. We had lots of questions to ask him to get tips and ideas to improve our own baking.

In readiness for the Harvest Festival celebrations Adventurers have been practising and performing our poem ‘Harvest Time.’ We have used various props and costumes to help us, many of which we made. We have also really enjoyed learning and singing ‘The Harvest Samba’ song and ‘Thank You Lord for this New Day.’ It’s lovely to hear the children’s singing voices again!


Another Busy Week!

Adventurers have had another busy week enjoying a variety of different activities.

In art we have designed and painted our Christmas cards ready to go to the printers and be printed off as either gift tags, wrapping paper of Christmas cards. You can view these on Tapestry and place an order before the 1st November.

All the children are really enjoying their swimming lesson again. It’s great to be back in the pool and they are all making super progress!

The children have enjoyed singing again and we have been learning our songs for the Harvest Festival. All the songs have  very catchy tunes so you might hear us singing parts at home too!

Adventurers’ French Day

Adventurers have had a wonderful day, immersing ourselves in French culture. 

We started the day making banners and bunting in the French flag colours, then learnt lots of different French greetings.

We played french bingo with numbers 1-10 and learnt that bingo in French is ‘’.

Later in the morning, we tried lots of different french cuisine, including croissants, choc au pan, baguettes and brie cheese. 

After lunch, we did some paintings in the style of Georges Seurat and made the Eiffel tower using straws. 

Another busy week for Adventurers!

Adventurers are becoming experts on France, as we continue to add more information to our reports in our English, French and Geography lessons. We have learnt all about French food, saying the correct words in French then making up our own French menus. We have researched all the things you can do and see in France and can name many well known landmarks!

We are all really looking forward to our ‘French Day’ next week.

The children enjoy working with Mrs Gurney (ICT specialist) every Friday morning and have been learning and following subject specific language when carrying out sequencing tasks on Tinker.

In art this week, we have been recreating cave paintings by making our own foam prints of prehistoric animals and printing these onto distressed paper. The results looked very realistic. 

An exciting week for Adventurers!

This week Adventurers have really enjoyed joining Learners in the hall for Collective Worship every morning and Celebration Assembly on Friday afternoon. We have been learning about our Christian Value ‘Thankfulness’ and discussing lots of things we are thankful for.

In science this week we made sundials and used compasses to help us observe how the sun appears to move across the sky from East to West. We learnt that it is the Earth that rotates and the sun doesn’t move. 

We’ve really enjoyed visiting the school library to pick our own books to read at home.