Friday the 26th of June 2020 Suggestions for Learning for Pioneers

Here is a quick link to Phonics Play.
We have not used this in the class yet or discussed real and fake.
This would be an interesting chat to have.


Here are a few fun videos with Geraldine to revise your tricky words which is always useful.

As always,if you are happy reading them then have a go at writing them for yourself.

Happy Phonics Y’all.

Work with a numbersquare is always good.

Let your Pioneer spot the patterns.
Stat by marking vounting in 2’s
You could mark all the 10’s
You could splat all the 5,s
Tallk about the pattern that is made.
Can you say why?
Happy Counting


Geraldine is also going on a journey.
Maps and mapping are fascinating to discuss with the Pioneers.

Here is another suitcase to play the memory game with.
I went on a journey and in my case I packed…
There is a change in each photograph. Can you spot it?

Hurray It’s Friday – 26th June

Good morning everyone.
Thank you so much to families keeping in touch and sending wonderful pictures and videos of your amazing adventures! It is truly wonderful to see – I do miss you very much!
It’s Friday again – I can’t quite believe it!
Today’s suggested learning is as follows;-
In English, we will focus on the final line of our book β€˜Rain Before Rainbows’ which says ‘The morning is breaking, the morning is bright’.
We will take this focus into enjoying some Music today and enjoy listening and singing the song ‘Morning has broken’.
In Maths, there are some fun counting games to play.
Let’s practise our spellings today and become super spellers!

Have a lovely weekend, hopefully the weather will stay warm and sunny!
Keep smiling πŸ™‚
Mrs Brown

Hurray It’s Friday! – 26th June

Good morning everyone.
Thank you so much to families keeping in touch and sending wonderful pictures and videos of your amazing adventures! It is truly wonderful to see – I do miss you very much!
It’s Friday again – I can’t quite believe it!
Today’s suggested learning is as follows;-
In English, we will focus on the final line of our book @Rain Before Rainbows’ which says ‘The morning is breaking, the morning is bright’.
We will take this focus into enjoying some Music today and enjoy listening and singing the song ‘Morning has broken’.
In Maths, there are some fun counting games to play.
Let’s practise our spellings today and become super spellers!

Have a lovely weekend, hopefully the weather will stay warm and sunny!
Keep smiling πŸ™‚
Mrs Brown

Friday 26th June 2020

Good morning, Discoverers,

Yesterday, you answered maths questions, which were related to the amount points that different teams had gained.

Here are the answers for these:

1. A = 15 points
1. B = 140 points
1. C = 20 points

2. A = The cinema
2. B = 7 more votes were for Ice skating than swimming.

Today, I would like you to help Rosie, by spotting her mistakes.

You will need to count all of the votes carefully, remembering to use the scale on the Y axis to help you.

Throughout the story ‘Rain Before Rainbows’, we can see that there are two characters in each of the images.

There is the young girl, and her companion, which is a fox.

Today, I would like you to imagine that you have a companion.

Firstly, you need to decide if it will be an animal, or something else, and draw it in the middle of a piece of paper.

Then, around your drawing, write all of the ways in which you can describe it.

You can add descriptions about its personality, its looks and its values, and anything else you can think of.

I can’t wait to see what you have chosen πŸ˜€

We have spoken about our life being like a journey this week, and you have been thinking about celebrations which you have taken part in.

You have also found out about key events that have happened in your families lives.

Earlier in the week you drew a timeline of your life so far, and added on important events that you could remember. Today I would like you to continue that timeline into your future, adding things on that you imagine may happen in your life.

Add on important events that you are looking forward to. You could speak with your family and get some ideas from them πŸ˜€

Have a wonderful day,

Mrs Taylor 


Friday 26th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

It’s Friday!!
Another week has flown by and we have been blessed with some beautiful weather.  Many people are now beginning to return to work, so make sure that you spend time with your family this weekend doing something together.
Happy weekend.
Rain Before Rainbows – English
Our page of the book today talks about friends who are courageous and kind.  You might be missing some of your friends, or you may have had chance to see them from a distance.  I think we have all missed people who are important to us and are looking forward to when we can see them all again.
Today, I’d like you to think about what would make your ideal friend.  You will need to think about the personality traits that you are looking for – remember, we are all different and everyone likes different things.
I’d like you to have a go at drawing up an advert for your ideal friend today.  This could be in the form of a poster, piece of writing or maybe just a list of all the requirements, a little like an ingredients list for a recipe.
Graphs – Maths
Today, we are going to look at a conversion chart.  This type of line graph goes up in a straight line, allowing you to convert from one measure to another.
Use the conversion graph to help you answer the questions.
A Night Under the Stars

There is a picture at the end of our book, when she is full of hope for a new day dawning.

She has spent the night under a beautiful canopy construction and fairy lights, allowing the stars to shine through.

Today, I thought you might like to make your own canopy/den and possibly (if the weather and your parents allow) you might like to spend a night out under the stars. ⭐️?

I would love to see your creations.

Thursday 25th June

Good morning Adventurers – another beautiful day!! 


Today’s activities are as follows…

Maths – key skills and 2 step addition and subtraction word problems.

English – handwriting (colours)

We’re going on a rainbow hunt:

I would like you to watch the video of We’re going on a bear hunt and look closely at the illustrations. See how they change from pencil drawing in black and white to the colourful illustrations. 

Today and tomorrow, I would like you to spend some time illustrating your stories of We’re going on a rainbow hunt ? to bring the stories to life.

I am looking forward to seeing the results!


French Thursday 

Using the animal names you have been learning over the past few weeks, can you make a word search to give a friend/family member?


As usual, more details of each activity is over on tapestry. I hope you have a lovely day in the sun! 

Mrs Burton 

Thursday 25th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

Yet another beautiful day – please make sure you put on your sun cream and hats if you are outside. ??

Rain Before Rainbows – English

Today, I would like you to complete a piece of descriptive writing to go with the picture that you completed yesterday. Remember to choose your words wisely, using powerful vocabulary to build a picture in the reader’s mind.

Graphs – Maths

Today, we are going to look at pie charts. Remember these show a portion of a whole (like slices of a cake).

Have a look at the graph and then have a go at answering the questions.

Seed Dispersal – Science

‘Sowing and planting. Root before shoot. Stem before flower.
Leaf before fruit.’

When plants get to the end of their flowering cycle you may have heard the term ‘gone to seed’ this means that they have finished flowering and they are beginning to produce seeds to make new plants and flowers. These seeds travel in a number of ways.

Today, I’d like you to investigate the different ways seeds can be dispersed. You might want to begin by watching the clip below.

Thursday’s News – Another Sunny Day! 25th June

Good morning everyone!

Wow the weather was hot hot hot yesterday!

I hope you all enjoyed the sunshine!

Today’s suggested learning is as follows:- More details on Tapestry!

In English, we will be thinking about the line from our book ‘ A day full of promise, a day full of light’.

In Maths, we are thinking about comparing objects to 100.

In Phonics we will be phoneme spotting and using our comprehension skills too!

In Science we will think about what part of a plant our fruit and vegetables come from!

Keep cool today, it’s a warm one again!

Keep smiling πŸ™‚

Mrs Brown

Thursday 25th June 2020

Hello everybody,

I hope that you had a great night’s sleep!

Here are the answers to yesterday’s questions. Did you give Jack the same advice?

Today, in maths, you are going to analyse some data.

Look carefully at the yellow circle, and remember that a full circle is worth 20 points. This means that half a circle would be worth 10 points. How many points would a quarter of a circle be worth? And three quarters?

When looking at the second table, remember that to find 1/4 of the total number of votes, you will first need to add up all of the votes.

Good luck, and let me know if you would like any help πŸ˜€


In English today, we are focusing on the lines: There are mountains for climbing, journeys to take.

Can you think what these lines might be a metaphor for?

I read the lines as representing the struggles that people may face in life.

Can you think of any mountains that you have had to climb recently? It may be a small struggle, or something bigger, perhaps it was the struggle of not being able to come to school?

How did you manage to climb the mountain, and face your dilemma?

Today, I would like you to draw some of the struggles you may have faced, and then show me how you have overcame them.


Yesterday, in RE, you thought about the important events which may occur in your lifetime, and the celebrations that you would like to have.

Today, I would like you to spend time talking with an adult, to find out about the celebrations in their life so far.

You may decide to phone somebody in your family, or talk to somebody at home.

These are the questions you could discuss: Which important events have happened in your lifetime? What happened? Did you celebrate? How?

Have another great day in the sunshine, 

Make sure you put lots of sun cream on, if you are going outside today,

Mrs Taylor 


Thursday the 26th of June – Pioneers,Here is your Learning Menu for Today.

Spin the wheel and make a word…or two.
Can you complete the words using the sounds on the wheel.

Make your wheel at

I have repeated the sounds to make it more exciting.
Happy Phonics Folks.

Here is a worksheet for you to try.


Yesterday’s suggestion was about what to pack for a journey.
Continuing on that theme,here is a suggestion for you:
Below are photographs of a selection of tools you might need on your journey.
What would you use them for?
Which one would be good for scooping peanut butter from a jar?
Which one would be good to lift up a wiggling worm?
Which one would you chose if you needed to help a baby bird back into its nest?
I’m not sure what they are all for. Could you tell me what you think and why?
Could you use any of them to dig a hole?
Would you be able to paint with any of them?
I’d love to hear what you think.