A trip to Danby Moor Centre and Diwali Celebrations!

Adventurers have been learning all about Diwali, the Hindu Festival of light. we shared the sacred story of Rama and Sita and made and decorated clay hand dishes. We also enjoyed colouring  Rangoli Patterns and then embellishing these with tissue paper.

On Tuesday, the sun shone for our trip to the Danby Moor Centre. We took part in lots of activities including: learning about different maps, how to read a key and how to find different human and physical features using 4 figure grid references. We really enjoyed doing field work and learning how to use a compass to navigate a course to help find a secret code.

We even had time to enjoy the wonderful play park and take in the beautiful surroundings!

Astronauts in the making!

As part of our new writing focus, we have been excited to watch an advert from the European Space Agency this week.  The Agency was appealing for astronaut candidates for their new space mission – we decided to apply!

We thought carefully about the skills and qualities we had that would make us a successful astronaut – we had lots!.

On Wednesday, we had an interview selection process in class – see attached photo. We interviewed potential astronauts (our friends) and asked them some probing questions about their skills and qualities. Luckily – we all got the job! 

Next week, we will be launching into space and writing a newspaper report to reflect our journey!

Also this week, we have been celebrating Diwali. We created our own artwork to show how we individually interpreted light. We used brightly coloured paints to reflect brightness, joy and positivity. Take a look at our Gallery of artwork. I think you will agree they look wonderful.

There will be some new challenges set on Sumdog this week, so enjoy the games and test your skills.

Don’t forget to watch our School Harvest Festival on Tapestry this week. It is just lovely.

Learners Class



What we can see

This week we have had a busy week trying to find things using our eyes in Explorers class. The children have explored some containers that contained different small objects hidden in sand or beans and were asked to draw what they saw.
Also in small groups we have explored our playground. Miss Idle took some pictures of different areas around our school and in our groups we had to identify each one and where they were on the playground.

A Very Special Visitor

The Pioneers prepared for Mr Atherton’s visit by taking a look at his Green Cook Book. We got to grips with some new vocabulary-equipment,recipe and ingredients. We talked about a range of equipment and the use in our classroom-sieve,scales,garlic press and measuring cups.

The Pioneers made their own dough and talked about the ingredients they needed-yeast,oil,flour,sugar and water. They wrote a name label for their bags and popped the dough in to keep it safe for the next day.

They made a wonderful selection of Woodland Pizza for the Helpful Hedgehog.

So good.

Our Busiest Week Yet!

Hello Everybody,

This week has certainly been a busy one! It is our last week of the first half term, and it has been jam-packed with fun and excitement.

Some of our highlights have included: creating our skyscraper structures in design and technology, making pumpkin soup to celebrate Harvest, using polystyrene to create a Harvest-themed print and finally, getting to meet the inspirational David Atherton (2019 Great British Bake Off Winner).

We are just about to finish our class text: The Firework Maker’s Daughter, and can’t wait to see if our predictions are accurate. 

Apart from that, we are looking forward to spending time with our family and friends during the next week. 

We hope you enjoy your time too,


An exciting week to end the half term!

Adventurers have been excited all week about the visit from David Atherton, British Bake Off winner 2019. We were really keen to learn more about his interesting cake recipes using vegetables and seeing his new cookery book. We had lots of questions to ask him to get tips and ideas to improve our own baking.

In readiness for the Harvest Festival celebrations Adventurers have been practising and performing our poem ‘Harvest Time.’ We have used various props and costumes to help us, many of which we made. We have also really enjoyed learning and singing ‘The Harvest Samba’ song and ‘Thank You Lord for this New Day.’ It’s lovely to hear the children’s singing voices again!


An awesome week!

Wow, what a week we’ve had!

On Monday, we had lots of discussion around Harvest Time and vegetables. We excitedly prepared for the visit of David Atherton, the British Bake-off winner of 2019, who is visiting on Friday.

We all enjoyed a visit to the Church on Tuesday. This was the first visit in a long while and the children thought the visit was “awesome”. We were joined by Father Michael who showed us around the Church and led us in a prayer of thankfulness.

In DT this week, we have been joining textiles using knots and loops. This was great fun and became a challenge in itself to join together all our pieces of material – there was a wonderful sense of  teamwork in class, which contributed to our success.

Our Reading Together Day on Thursday, was a great success! We had full day of reading stories and sharing books. We enjoyed a visit from Adele from Whitby Library, who informed us of an up-and-coming Christmas Reading Challenge – details to follow. We had some mystery story-tellers, throughout the day, who shared their favourite stories with us. What a happy day!

What a wonderful half-term we have had.

Learners’ Class love books!

Have a lovely half-term holiday!


Forest Finds

Our school grounds are full of the most wonderful things and this week we took a closer look at the our trees and the things that fall from them. We have done a story map of Chicken Licken to retell the story together and had lots of fun searching for leaves and seeds and other things which maybe did not fall from a tree (Mini Cheddars Bag)

Thank you for all of the conkers. We do not have an appropriate tree in our forest so it is great that we are getting deliveries. Conkers are the best and are being used for many things in our Woodland Kitchen.

We are thankful for all the wonderful things our great outdoors provides.

Happy Learning

Friday 15th October 2021

Wow – what a busy week!

We started the week with a shared session with Louise, learning all about the Tudors through drama activities.  A session of fun, laughter and ‘hands on’ learning.

Tuesday brought another swimming session – it is fantastic to see the water confidence really beginning to grow.

On Wednesday, it was the girls turn to play football at Eskdale and they all had a fantastic time, playing as a team and developing their football knowledge over the course of the matches.

On Thursday, we visited Scarborough Spa to take part in a STEM fair which showed the children many opportunities in these fields with many more ‘hands on’ activities to take part in; code cracking, brick laying, fulcrum balancing and medicine to list a few.  

With such a varied week – there has been so much learning taking place.

Families – please check Tapestry to see photos from these events.