Marvellous Multi-skills

Learners enjoyed a fun afternoon at a community sports event this week. We spent our time jumping, throwing, catching and running. Learners are great friends and have amazing team spirit, they cheered and supported each other through every activity.

Elsewhere in the classroom, we have been learning more about Islam. This week in RE we have been finding out about mosques and what happens inside. Learners always have open and meaningful discussions in RE and are fascinated to learn about different religions and their important traditions.

In English, we are looking closely at poetry. We have been enjoying a poem called “What is the sun” by Wes Magee. We have been writing expanded noun-phrases and alliteration in order to use these in our own poetry. Our poems will focus on our amazing earth and the natural wonders within. To inspire our vocabulary, we will visit the forest on Monday and be experience nature first-hand. 

We are busy practising our Harvest song, in order to perform in our Harvest Service in St John’s Church later in the week. It is always a happy celebration and Learners are excited to sing together.

Learners have such enthusiasm about their learning and are always so keen to come into school each day! This is such a joy to see. Learners, you are awesome!