Setting New Goals

This week Learners have been looking closely at the Global Development Goals. We are working on writing our own non-chronological report around these aspirational targets that will make the world a better place.  We are excited to welcome families into school on Wednesday to  explore these goals further.

In PE this half-term we are focusing on developing key multi-skills. This week have been throwing, sending and receiving a ball by rolling and catching. Learners showed lots of control and precise hand eye co-ordination and balance. Next week in PE we will be exploring and evaluating different ways to jump. We are looking forward to attending a local school multi-skills event in October, where we can showcase our skills.

This week in Science we have been exploring that the days are longer in the summer than the winter and drawing pictures of the activities we like to do in different seasons.

In art we have been getting to know our focused artist, Wassily Kandinsky. We used iPads to research some background information about him. We found out he was a Russian painter who loved to listen to music as he painted. He used his emotions to guide his creativity and painted using colour, shapes and lines. His style of painting was called ‘abstract’. 

Learners have enjoyed reading our brand new fluency reading books this week. Please support your child at home by reading regularly and recording in their reading record. This really does make a difference!.

Thank you for your support.