A brilliant first week in Year 2.

Learners have had an amazing start to the new school year.

We have settled wonderfully into the the routines of Year 2.

On our first day back, we were delighted to be able to watch the Tour of Britain go by school. There were lots of waves and cheers of support as the cyclists whizzed by.

Back in the classroom, we have been enjoying the book ‘Small steps, big change’ by Anne-Marie Cool. We identified th sustainable goals within the book and had some great discussion around the small steps we can make at Sleights to create big environmental change. We all agreed that ‘lots of people doing little things achieves more than one person doing everything’.

We have been finding out about how to stay safe online in computers this week and keeping our personal information online to ourselves.

In maths we have been counting in tens and ones in order too learn about place value.

Most importantly, we have come into school smiling and ready to learn, which is wonderful to see after 6 weeks away from the school routine.

Learners love to learn and we are all excited for the year ahead.

We will be swimming on Tuesday afternoons this half-term. Please bring your Learners swimming kit on Tuesday mornings.