Monday 6th July 2020

Good Morning Leaders

Happy Monday. ?
I hope you have enjoyed your weekend and spent time with your families.   I know that there will have been some busy families this weekend with the re-opening of more shops and businesses alongside those who have worked all the way through.
Only two weeks left before the end of the summer term and there’s so much to fit in. We are going to spend some more time looking at questions that our book raises and investigating some of the answers.

Why is the Sky Blue?  – English

I thought we would stick with poetry for today.
Have a go at writing a shape poem based on the theme of stars.

Area and Perimeter – Maths

We have looked at both area and perimeter before in school.  Today, we are going to re-visit both of these.  Remember that area is the amount inside a shape and the perimeter is the measurement around the edge of a shape.
Have a go at answering the questions.

It’s Written in the Stars

Today, we are going to be thinking all about stars.  In our class reader, Who Let The God’s Out?, we have had lots of discussion about star signs and the zodiac.
There are constellations that represent these signs as well as other constellations.
I would like you to choose some constellations to investigate – you can present your ideas in any format.
I have also attached a Forestry England guide to stargazing which has some lovely information and ideas – this might be a good place to start.