A Little Bit of Spring has Sprung

The Pioneers have been doing a little bit of quiet painting this week and it was lovely to watch. The were very peaceful and undistracted when choosing colours and mixing and creating. They all take great care with the brushes and where they apply the colour and how they choose to do this. Every viewpoint was different. They passed the paintpots and shared the space so beautifully. 

A quiet moment in a busy room.

The York Trip

Hello everyone,

Adventurers have had a fantastic week that kicked off in York on Monday. We went to York Minster and saw the Queen’s statue and had lots of fun at the York Castle Museum. 

In French, we learnt about fruits and practiced the tricky pronunciation. 

We learnt a lot in geography this week when we explored earthquakes and designed our own earthquake proof houses. 

In English, we have continued to learn about Harriet Tubman and created speech sentences to use in our biographies. 

Today, we wrote poems in RE about Easter Sunday and cannot wait to share them with everyone at our Easter service next week.

Adventurers 🙂

Spring is on the way.

Learners class have noticed signs of Spring around the school grounds this week. Spring flowers are appearing outside our classroom and we have noticed that the days are getting longer. We have even spotted the odd bee buzzing by.

In the classroom we have been  fascinated to learn more around habitats in Science and are very much looking forward to our trip to Dancy Moors Centre next week, when we hope to transfer our learning to the outdoors in Danby.

In Collective Worship this week, we have continued to focus on our value ‘forgiveness’, thinking about how we can help ourselves to forgive others and how important this is for us as well as for them. This weeks worship prompted some wonderful, open discussions in School.

In Geography, we have have been locating the Equator on the globe and on World maps. We looked at countries nearest the Equator and how they were the hottest places in the world. We were also able to understand why the polar regions were cold places too.

Learners Class have enjoyed sharing stories in class as always this week. We are particularly enjoying ‘A Handful of Buttons; by Carmen Parets Luque, a book around family diversity. This wonderful book is the focus of our writing around biography in English at present.

Please make sure your Learner has a PE in School for PE days.


What is a Memory?

This week we have read a beautiful book all about memories. In the book a little boy called Wilfred goes to visit the older people who live in the care home next door. He hears that some of them may have lost their memory and he sets out to help them find it again. He collects a number of items in a basket to talk about and sees how the old people recount their youth. The Pioneers talked about happy times that they remembered and that sometimes they have sad memories too. 

The conversations were beautiful.

Red Nose Day!

Hello families and friends,

Again, we have had a very busy week in Adventurers class. In English, we have started to research Harriet Tubman so we can write a biography about her life. We used chrome books to find out lots of information about her.

We had a brilliant French lesson with Mr Everall on Wednesday, where we learnt the days of the week in French. It was confusing at first but we are really starting to understand.

In RE, we have been exploring Easter and what happened on Good Friday and ordered the events of the day. Easter is coming up and we love learning about it. 

In PSHE, we have been exploring road safety and finding out about the Green Cross Code. This will be useful to remember when we visit York next week.

Finally, we celebrated Red Nose Day today by wearing red and creating our very own red noses. 

Adventurers 🙂

Another Successful Week

Hello Visitors,

In Discoverers this week, we have had great success in a local cross country event, shared reading opportunities with Pioneers class, and continued to think about forgiveness and how this can help our own hearts, as well as the receiver’s.

In RE, we are continuing to explore Holy Week, and have been thinking about times when we have felt joy, sadness and hope. We believe these were the three feelings that Christians felt during Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Monday. 

We hope you have a wonderful week, as we look forward to our trip to York Minster and York Castle Museum, on Monday.

A Really Royal Week

Learners started the week with a drama session with Louise from the Red House Theatre Company. The session was focused around our history topic this term, Kings and Queens. The session was lots of fun and Learners were able to put their knowledge about monarchs into action. Back in the classroom, we have been finding out about the Royal Family and the term abdication. The children had many questions which prompted some wonderful discussions.

In PHSCE we have been learning more about manging risks and used scenarios, both on and offline, to decide when to say ‘yes’, ‘no’ ‘I’ll ask’ and ‘I’ll tell’. Learners approached discussions sensibly and seriously as always.

We are showing some real progress in Tuesday mornings swimming sessions at the pool. Confidence is soaring, as children are jumping in with confidence and retrieving objects from underwater with ease. Water confidence is so important living where we do and it is great to see swimming skills progressing.

Parents evening sessions are taking place this week on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th March. I am looking forward to celebrating Learners Class’s successes with their families. Everyone should have a time slot, please do let me know if you have any queries.

Mrs Brown  

Pioneers Explore in St John’s

The Pioneers had a most wonderful visit to St John’s Church hosted by Mrs Jones. The sun shone and the snow was crisp and white. 

We were all excited to see the font and talk about our own baptisms and family events in church. Mrs Jones told us about the old font which sits in the porch which is even older than the church.

Having discussed our Christian Values,the Pioneers understood that they needed to be respectful whilst in church. We continued our exploration by talking about the altar and spotted the purple cloth-just like our prayer space and the table in school. Mrs Jones explained why there were no flowers and the Pioneers added this new knowledge to their exisiting knowledge of Lent.

All the Pioneers got up in the pulpit,sat in the pews,looked at the windows and found the Bibles. We looked at the different coloured vestments and finished our visit with a story. The Pioneers then searched in all the windows to find the pictures of Jesus with the little children.

On return to school the Pioneers completed a Church Check List to illustrate all the new vocabulary. They painted pictures and wrote about their visit. We also made big picture maps of our journey. The focus was excellent.

Another week of wonderful learning.

Friday 10th March

It has been another brilliant week in Leaders class.

On Monday, the children enjoyed a history drama day, focussed on how punishment has changed over time. The children demonstrated their learning from the day by performing for the whole school to finish the day. On Tuesday, the Leaders made links to the previous day’s learning when they learned about how punishments were decided during the Anglo-Saxon time period. The children learned about the different courts, trials by ordeal and oath-bearers.

This week in English, we have continued to shared write an argument, considering if palm oil should be banned. The writing produced has been amazing and I am looking forward to seeing how the children apply their skills to their independent writing about plastic next week.

In RE, the Leaders have been thinking about the events that led to Jesus’ death. There were some incredibly thoughtful responses during this lesson. Next week, we will be considering why Jesus died and what this means to Christians.

In science, the children have continued to learn about life cycles. This week, the children focussed on amphibians, with a specific focus on frogs. The work produced was brilliant.

On Thursday, the final rehearsals took place before the Leaders class band takes to the stage at the Eskdale Festival on Monday. The children have worked incredibly hard and I am looking forward to seeing them perform together on stage.

To finish the week, Leaders tackled a longer pieces of text in French. The children were able to use cognates to understand the text, which was about our new French topic, the Olympics. The enthusiasm and understanding demonstrated was brilliant to see. 

Have a brilliant weekend.