
A welcome from the Chair of Governors

On behalf of the full Governing Body of Sleights Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School, may I wish you a very warm welcome to our school.

Firstly, a little bit about me. I have been a school Governor for almost thirteen years and have been in the position of Chair for the last nine. I find being a Governor a very challenging, yet rewarding experience. With all my 3 children attending the school over the past 17 years, I can certainly say that Sleights School has a special place in my heart. Therefore, I am passionate about doing my best for the school.

The Governing Body is responsible for setting the strategic development of the school and to support and challenge the Headteacher in achieving its priorities and goals. In 2019, the school was graded as Good in both SIAMS and OfSTED inspections under new framework. In both inspections, the strength of the Governing Body was recognised. 

Each Governor has a priority linked to the school development plan. This means that, as well as attending full Governing Body meetings, each Governor works closely with the Headteacher to monitor their specific area. We have Governors from all different backgrounds to bring a wide range of skills and expertise.

Governors are often present in school so that we can see the children at work and to talk to them, to support the dedicated staff and to ensure the clarity of vision and ethos of the school is at work.

We aim to give all our pupils the very best education and experiences so that they can achieve their full potential and we continually strive to improve.

Sleights School operates an open door policy and we encourage parents to be involved in school life. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mr Grason-Taylor, our Headteacher.


Gemma Kellerman

Chair of Governors


Full Governing Body

Governor Role Term of Office Appointed by 2023/2024 Attendance 
Mr Scott Grason-Taylor Headteacher 01/09/2017 -    Governing Body 100% (5/5)
Mrs Gemma Kellerman Chair of Governors (Co-Opted) 10/05/2023 - 09/05/2027 Governing Body 100% (5/5)
Mrs Andrea Lindoe Vice Chair (Co-Opted) 13/05/2024 - 12/05/2028 Governing Body 100% (5/5)
Mr Ben Dickinson Co-Opted 16/09/2023 - 15/09/2027 Governing Body 100% (5/5)
Mrs Kristie Price Co-Opted 28/11/2022 - 27/11/2026 Governing Body 100% (5/5)
Revd Jo Parker Ex-officio 27/09/2023 - Diocese of York 0% (0/4)
Mrs Jenny Taylor Foundation 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027 Diocese of York 80% (4/5)
Mrs Lucy Taylor (Maternity Leave) Staff 03/09/2022 - 02/09/2026 Staff 100% (3/3)
Mrs Rosie Fluin Parent 16/09/2023 - 15/09/2027 Parents 100% (5/5)
Mr Sam Newton Parent 16/09/2023 - 15/09/2027 Parents 100% (5/5)
Vacancy Local Authority     NA
Mrs Helen-Louise Hann Associate Member 03/10/2022 - 02/10/2026 Governing Body 100% (5/5)
Mrs Helen Stapley Clerk to the Governing Body      



  • No current or previous Governors have any relationship with any school staff.
  • Reverend Jo Parker is also a governor in another local primary school federation. In addition to her duties as a governor at Sleights, Mrs Lucy Taylor (Class Teacher) is also a governor in another NYC primary school. Mrs Rhiannon Porter (Class Teacher) is also a governor in another local school (non NYC)
  • Mrs Andrea Lindoe (Co-Opted Governor) and Mrs Kristie Price (Co-Opted Governor) work in other Local Authority schools. Mr Sam Newton (Parent Governor) works in another school, not in the Local Authority.
  • Attendance information last updated: July 2024

At Sleights Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School, the Governing Body brings together a wealth of varied experience to challenge and support the school and its development.

The full governing body meets at least once a term. This is also the case for the finance committee.

All other committee structures and members can be downloaded here: Sleights CE School Governing Body 2023


Reviewing our Governing Body

We strive to maintain excellence across our Governing Body. As a result, we undertake regular reviews of our work and the impact. The statement here describes some of our key actions and impact for the academic year 2022/2023 (Published September 2023): Governor Statement 2023

Governors who have left office in the last 12 months

Vicky Gilpin (Parent) Term of office ended on 15th September 2023

Laura Williams (Parent) Term of office ended on 15th September 2023

Pam Jones (Foundation) Term of office ended on 1st September 202