Wonder at the Rotunda.


Learners enjoyed a marvellous trip to the Rotunda Museum in Scarborough. While we were there, we enjoyed a workshop called Dinosaur Detectives. We looked closely at fossils, dinosaur bones and were able to share our knowledge while we were there. This trip was an excellent way to consolidate all our History learning this term. Learners class have absolutely loved the history topic of dinosaurs, digs and discoveries and have shown huge engagement in their learning.

We were able to spend the whole day in Scarborough, so couldn’t resist a trip to the beach. We took with us some games and activities on a trolley from the Rotunda, with games such as ‘dinosaur egg and spoon’. Learners class had the best day out and the trip really brought our learning to life.

Elsewhere in the classroom this week, we have enjoyed some excellent science learning. We have learned about different food groups and the nutrients that different foods give us. We have looked carefully at our school dinners, identifying the nutrients we have been eating each day. I’ve heard that Learners have been doing the same with their meals at home too!

Thursday saw Sleights School sports day, which was a great success. The whole school ran, jumped, relayed, threw and cheered! The rain held off just until the final moment!

This week we are looking forward to Learners Class Julia Donaldson, a chance to celebrate one of our favourite authors! More information on that next week.

Learners are always so keen to learn and are totally awesome! 

The Chip Shop is Open

The Chip Shop opened in the classroom this week as we investigate the food chain from the sea to the plate. The Pioneers wrote their own menus and receipts for food and took orders in from customers who arrived. The customers were met and greeted with a ,”Good Morning Madam. How can I help you?”

The prices were pretty high but the service was excellent. 

We discussed how the fish was processed and filleted and they were interested in which bits were removed before we get to eat it.

We went on to discuss the process of fishing and the Pioneers were full of amazing questions including how the fishermen got the right fish, how did they know it was cod in the net and how they would get rid of things that they did not want to catch.