A busy week in Leaders

The children have enjoyed another busy week in school.

This week, we have continued to spend time preparing for the SATs assessments, which will take place next week. We are incredibly proud of the positive and hard-working attitudes that the children have had towards their preparations and we know that they are ready to give them their all next week.

In addition to SATs preparations, Leaders were back in the pool this week and impressed me with their water confidence. On Wednesday afternoon, the children also enjoyed learning about and playing cricket with Mr Gokool.

To finish off a busy four day week, the children continued to learn the song ‘Happy’, which is our focus in music this half term. We hope everyone has a very happy weekend.

Four days of fun and learning.

Even though it’s been  a four day week, we’ve been so busy!

In Maths we have been focusing on position and direction. We have practised quarter turns, half turns, three quarter turns and full turns. We took our learning outside on Wednesday to practise our left and right movements. 

We are starting to learn a new song in music, called ‘Zoo Time’. It’s definitely catchy!

We have been busy writing book reviews this week, reading books is something Learners Class love, so it was easy to write down our recommendations to others.

On Thursday, we marked National Hedgehog Awareness Week by having a fully hedgehog day! Everything we did was connected to hedgehogs (even maths). In the afternoon we made hedgehog bookmarks and we took three hedgehog houses down to the forest. We  really hope we get some spiky visitors!

The weather is getting warmer and it’s wonderful to be able to take our learning outdoors.

If anyone has any hedgehogs in their garden, please post a picture on tapestry and we will make a plan of local hedgehog sightings. #hedgehog heroes.


A Visit to The Library

We make a regular visit to our school library on a Friday but this week we went on a journey to The Mobile Library and that was an adventure.

Mr Grason accompanied us on our walk and helped the Pioneers to locate The Mobile Library. We were all looking for the big lorry however it had broken down so a smaller van packed full of books had come in its place. The sun was shining so this was just fine for us. The Pioneers sat in the Carpark with boxes of books and the very patient librarian talked each Pioneer through the checking and scanning of the books.

This showed our Christian Value of Service in action.

We now have a selection of borrowed books in the classroom and we will make a return visit soon.

Thank you to the library service for wonderful service. 

Happy Reading!

Digging in the Dirt

We started our new term by digging in the dirt. It was the best kind of dirt for digging in too as it was soft and wet and even wetter by the time we finished.

The objective was to expose the root system of the plants and to talk about the function of each plant part. We also made comparisons,looking closely at the leaves and the flowers on our field and in the forest. We used a key to spot and name the plants we had found.

On return to the classroom we looked with magnifying glasses,watched videos and chopped up the plants with scissors.

Later in the week we painted the flowers!