We’ve been using baloons in P.E this morning. Firstly, the children were given an instruction to try keep their balloons in the air and not let them drop on the floor. They were then asked to place it inbetween their legs/knees and jump or waddle over to Miss Idle at the other side of the hall. The children did brilliantly,they showed concentration skills and had lots of perseverance as the balloons were very tricky to keep between their legs. Not one of them gave up though which was brilliant! We then all worked as a team to keep the balloon on the large parachute holding onto a handle each and lifting it up. The children listened for their names when shouted and had a turn at running underneath the parachute to the other side. A brave group of children even had a turn at laying on top of their balloons to see if they could put their body weight on it without it popping!