A Snake,Two Owls and a Hedgehog

We have been asking the question,” Who lives in our forest? and today we met some possible residents. The Pioneers were absolutely delighted to meet a snake and find out that like the boa constrictor in our song, in squeezes its prey. Next we were introduced to the hedgehog,who seemed to hicccup when he was tickled. The owls were spectacular and the barn owl flapped his big wings.

The squeals of delight said it all.

Pop in to the classroom to see our story maps and some more pictures. We also have a wonderful snakeskin to looks at.

Paint a Pumpkin

Pumpkins are things of beauty and beautiful to hold. The initial idea was to paint the pumpkins-stilllife style however the instruction can be interpreted in a different way. One of the Pioneers decided to paint the pumpkin so that set our exploration off in another direction. We painted on the pumpkin and tried rolling and pressing them on to paper to make imprints.

This was truly beautiful to watch and we will repeat this to enjoy further exploration.