The information below has been complied after taking onboard family feedback about how we keep our children safe at Sleights.
School Arrangements – updated September 2021
What is the school doing about ‘catching up’ on work missed during school closures?
It is important to remember that all children missed out on the same amount of time from school. During lockdown, a range of exciting opportunities and adventures were undertaken by the children. We know that some families were able to access significant amounts of the set home learning offer and others explored themes and ideas in other ways. Some families did a combination of both. We are proud of everyone’s efforts during lockdown. Over the summer, we have been working hard on our curriculum to ensure that any key areas of subjects are revisited or taught to allow learning to continue. Essentially, we will be working with the children’s own needs and using this as the starting point for our planning. We will be closely monitoring progress. If you would like to discuss the revised curriculum approach to meet missed content, please just let me know.